Campaigns We Support
Image Description: A group of people are at a protest with signs that say "Status for All: Regularize Everyone" and “No Cops, No Cages”.
#StatusForAll! #RegularizationNow!
In 2021, the Trudeau government promised to implement a regularization program, which means granting permanent resident status to undocumented, irregular, or temporary migrants. Since then, the Migrant Rights Network, a migrant-led alliance of organizations across Canada, has been leading a powerful campaign to ensure that this program is implemented without exclusions or delays — to demand Status for ALL, that leaves no one left behind. With PR comes equal rights and protections, access to services and supports, and freedom from detention and deportation, so the stakes are immensely high for the 1.7 million irregular migrants who could potentially be impacted by this legislation. SURJ Toronto has supported MRN's vital work by boosting their digital actions, educating our base, running our own phone and email zaps, lobbying MPs and Cabinet Ministers, and materially supporting powerful days of action. Add your name today and consider supporting our poster fundraiser for local movement partner Migrant Workers Alliance for Change.
Decolonial Solidarity #DefundCGL #NoMoreDirtyBanks
Decolonial Solidarity, a network of affinity groups in solidarity with Wet’suwet’en Land Defenders, is pressuring the Royal Bank of Canada to withdraw from the Coastal GasLink project in BC. This fracked gas pipeline runs through unceded, culturally and environmentally sensitive Wet’suwet’en territory, and RBC is its biggest lender – in fact, the bank is now the biggest fossil fuel financier in the world. The Land Defenders, resisting the pipeline construction under the direction of their Hereditary Chiefs, have been subjected to intense surveillance and criminalization by the RCMP. This situation is a disaster to the environment and to Indigenous sovereignty. SURJ Toronto has participated in the adopt-a-branch information campaign, raised funds for Gidemten checkpoint, and supported actions at corporate headquarters such as the 2023 April Fossil Fools’ Day rally in the lead-up to the bank’s AGM. Stay tuned to SURJ Toronto and Decolonial Solidarity socials for ongoing calls to action.
Justice for Workers #DecentWorkForAll
Justice for Workers wants to change the laws to ensure every worker has decent work and wages as well as respect and dignity on the job. Hundreds of workers in low-wage, part-time, and precarious employment have identified the following 10 essential priorities for a decent work agenda - that is, (1) end racism, discrimination, and workplace bullying; (2) 10 employer-paid sick days; (3) $20 minimum wage and decent wages for all; (4) Adequate hours: one job should pay the bills; (5) Equal pay for equal work; (6) Laws that protect us all; (7) Real protections for temp agency workers; (8) Make it easier to join a union; (9) Make employers follow the law; and (10) Status for all. If implemented, these priorities would better protect all of us. Join the movement by showing up for an action today!